Feng Shui explained and why Oprah and other millionaire celebrities are using it - Ten Risk Free Lessons for Today
Where and When does Feng Shui Originate?
"The history of Feng Shui covers 3,500+ years, - even before the invention of the magnetic compass. Feng Shui originated in Chinese astronomy. We know this because the magnetic compass was first invented as a device for divination as early as the Chinese Han Dynasty (since about 206 BC). Some current techniques can be traced to Neolithic China, while others were added later (most notably the Han dynasty, the Tang, the Song, and the Ming)."
Thus, we see that the earliest instrument of Feng Shui was the compass, which was used for geomancy (placing objects or buildings auspiciously). This was all long before it was used for navigation! Here's a really old geomantic compass from around 1760:

But What is Feng Shui?
In Chinese, Feng Shui’s literal meaning is wind (Feng) and water (Shui). 'Water' and 'wind' represent the flow of energy in your environment and the power and fluidity of natural force. The best and most succinct summary of the essence of Feng Shui is: "Feng Shui is an ancient Art of Placement”. This means that Feng Shui is the practice of arranging your environment to enhance the quality of your life. It does this by creating and directing positive energy in and around you. But where does this energy come from? Here's a hint:
What is Chi Energy?
"Qi(氣)(pronounced "chee" in English) is a movable positive or negative life force which plays an essential role in feng shui. In feng shui as in Chinese martial arts, it refers to 'energy', in the sense of 'life force'. A traditional explanation of qi as it relates to feng shui would include the orientation of a structure, its age, and its interaction with the surrounding environment." - Wikipedia
Qi Energy (Chee Energy) as a Function of Consciousness
Before we delve further into this matter, it's extremely important to understand that Qi energy is not measurable with physical instruments. Qi energy is a function of consciousness - not of physical atoms or quanta of energy. Qi energy is best described by simple examples:
Walking into a room in your home or office - you see clutter. Your first reaction is usually - "I can't live like this". Also, "I can't work or concentrate in this mess". This affects your internal energy and your capacity to draw on the energy of people and things around you - for instance, the love of a child or the beauty of a plant. Feng Shui is an analytical and structured way of understanding this and getting the right result, which is far greater than that from merely 'tidying up'. Once you have organised your living space and work space using Feng Shui principles, you will truly 'feel' the positive energies gathered and channeled, just as you will 'feel' bad energy being washed away. Understand this and you will begin to understand the power of Feng Shui.
State of Mind
Your state of mind at home and at work is enhanced greatly by using Feng Shui practices. This is the basis of attracting wealth and good fortune. The effects are greatly augmented by placing traditional Feng Shui statues and icons in the right places. Why? Because in mysticism in general, we deal with Platonic archetypes that generate real power. They also affect the way we think and work and the more we absorb their ideal forms, the more effective they become in our lives.
Sympathetic Magick
There is a strong element of sympathetic magic in Feng Shui. This principle says (simplified) that 'like begets like'. So if you organize your life and space around positive things, then positive things will happen to you. The converse is also true! This warns us about attracting the positive or negative things in life, and Feng Shui helps us to control this.
Negative People - Emotional Vampires
Be very aware of the negative attitude of people who write-off Feng Shui as some sort of superstition because it doesn't fit the mode of western scientists. These are the same people who deny the power of the mind to achieve anything but constructs of logic. The human mind is much, much more powerful than that, and its interaction with matter, energy and other minds is not at all understood. This amazing fact is beautifully illustrated in physics by the observer effect double slit experiment that clearly shows human observation changing reality.
How Can I Apply Feng Shui in My Home, my Office and My Life?
Applying Feng Shui effectively requires that you develop an 'intuitive feel' for its symbols and also learn to accept that the way you feel you want things to be is right! In your mind, try to visualize yourself swept forward on an irresistible tide of energy - that's how you should feel when you enter your house at the end of a hard day's work. This means being drawn in by the space, the love and the light of your home. But that's only a tiny part of it!
Imagine your home as a magnet for wealth, and that wealth is sucked in by the energy of the dragon and accumulates beneath the gold base of your lucky Feng Shui toad. Do I sound mad? Then ask yourself why so many intelligent and fantastically rich celebrities believe in Feng Shui! From Madonna to Johnny Depp, from Bill Gates to Oprah - they're all benefiting from Feng Shui!
10 Feng Shui Tips for a More Inviting Home
Keep the Entryway Clutter-Free and Inviting
Anyone entering the home will absorb the energy and attitude that meets them when they open the door. Therefore, the entryway should encourage visitors to bring their healthiest and happiest parts into the home. Everyone has their baggage, but fragrant aromas and bright colors will encourage even the grumpiest guest to leave all that negativity at the door. Keep the entry area looking light and airy, and guests will feel more relaxed the moment they walk in.
It is through the main entrance door that your house absorbs Chi. While a strong front door will be able to attract strong energy, you also need good feng shui design in the hallway to be able to ground, as well as guide, this energy further into the home.
Mirrors in the Hallway
NEVER have mirrors facing the entrance door - they will dissipate and prevent all good Qi from entering your home! If this cannot be avoided, then disrupt the effect with a lush plant in front of the mirror. You can also use some stylish art decor stickers on the mirror. The best place to hang mirrors is the dining room - we'll get to that a little later.
Another way to enhance the hallway area is to create a welcoming "landing space" by using a side table with a small lamp. A big round table placed in the center of your hallway with a dragon ornament on top can also help a lot.
The Feng Shui Dragon is a great ornament for the hall because it drives positive Qui into the house and blasts away negative Qui. Don't forget to check out our Feng Shui range when you've decided to improve your home or office!
Create a Place for Guests to Remove Their Shoes
For hundreds of years, practitioners of Chinese Geomancy have followed a basic rule: no shoes in the home. Shoes bring in dirt, debris, and a lot of other undesirable stuff. They can also bring in the wearer’s emotional problems. As one may imagine, letting other people’s emotional issues settle into the home will negatively affect the space’s positivity and peace. Do everyone a favor and ask guests to leave their shoes (and all their troubles) at the door.
Protect the Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home, and it nourishes occupants energetically and literally. Anything with that much value should be protected. It’s best if there isn't a direct line of sight from the kitchen to the front door. Visibility from the front door to the kitchen encourages eating disorders and other food-related health issues.
Close the Door to the Bathroom
The bathroom has one purpose: to allow occupants to get rid of what they no longer want or need. However, they can, energetically speaking, have negative effects on the family’s finances as well. By keeping the bathroom door and toilet lid closed, homeowners will keep more of their money where it belongs.
Make the Living Room Warmer and More Welcoming
The living room should be arranged in a way that facilitates conversation. After all, it’s where living is supposed to happen! Seating areas should be inviting, cozy, and clutter-free. It’s perfectly okay for the room to look like something from Architectural Digest. Just make sure that it does not feel like a museum.
Purpose-Build the Bedroom
If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the bedroom is like the lungs; it’s where people go to take a deep breath and relax. Optimally, the bedroom should be at the back of the home, where more positive energy or Yin resides. All beds should have headboards to shield the body from an excess of cosmic energy, which enters through the top of the head. Finally, don’t store anything under the bed, as it symbolizes underhanded behavior.
Minimize Electrical Exposure
Electrical current is harmful to the body, but it’s very difficult to avoid. However, homeowners can take a few steps to minimize their exposure. While Grandma’s advice about sitting too close to the TV is spot-on, the most important place to reduce exposure to current is in the bedroom. As much as possible, free the room of electrical items such as alarm clocks, radios, and televisions. If living like a Chinese monk isn’t all that appealing, try unplugging everything before falling asleep. For those who charge their phones at night, sleep with the phone at least four feet from the bottom of the bed.
Choose Tables Wisely
Shopping for a table is one of the most difficult parts of furnishing a home. Glass tables are quite uncomfortable, and visitors are always afraid of breaking them. That stress detracts from fun and good conversation, which goes against Feng Shui’s principles. When redecorating, exchange the glass for leather, wood, or something else that’s not as fragile.
Go for High Ceilings and Big Windows
When looking for a new apartment or home, ensure that window frame tops are higher than the tallest occupant or frequent guest. Short windows give the entire home a cramped, trapped feeling. This can have the bad effect of allowing allowing that cramping energy to creep into a relationship and cause stress..
Protect the Entryway
Every dwelling needs protection, and in Chinese metaphysics, installing a talisman near the entrance is an easy way to provide it. There are different talismans for various cultures. For instance, the Chinese prefer the Bagua. A homeowner of African ancestry may choose the watchful eye of Ra or an ankh. The Japanese favor fu-dogs, while Tibetans typically have porcelain scrolls. Depending on the homeowner’s ancestry and the culture with which they identify, there are numerous choices.
Useful Feng Shui Ornaments and Aids
The money frog originates in Chinese folklore. Frogs and toads are associated with water, which is symbolic of wealth. It is common for a money frog to have a coin in its mouth, as an offering for the owner or the household where the frog resides.
Traditionally, the money frog is placed in a home’s feng shui money area or wealth position. This is usually the corner of the home that is diagonally opposite the entry door and is known as the primary wealth position.
The Feng Shui Dragon
The feng shui dragon is a powerful and auspicious traditional feng shui power and a symbol of strong Qi energy. Dragons are very easy to use around the home or office and can strengthen and attract Qi in most situations. As a general rule, always place a dragon in an open space with good Chi flow. Dragons need freedom and room to fly and move about. Be sure your dragon inwards faces in the room (to invoke the Qi of wealth and prosperity) and not looking out through a window or door, which will have the opposite effect.
The Feng Shui Crystal Money Tree
Feng shui crystal trees, are used in a variety of applications -- from feng shui cures for love to feng shui for wealth, abundance and happiness - it all dpends on the crystals you choose. However, they are ALL beneficial, even if only used for beauty! We'll be adding a whole article on gems, crystals and Feng Shui very soon. Watch out for it!
Feng shui crystal trees, are used in a variety of applications -- from feng shui cures for love to feng shui for wealth, abundance and happiness - it all dpends on the crystals you choose. However, they are ALL beneficial, even if only used for beauty! We'll be adding a whole article on gems, crystals and Feng Shui very soon. Watch out for it!
The home is a place to leave worries and troubles at the door, but when it’s cluttered and uninviting, that’s very difficult to do. With these tips, it’s easier to let the bad energy out and invite the good vibes in. So take your time - think about the blockages to good energy flow in your home and clear the clutter. Once that's done, you'll be amazed what a little Feng Shui power can do for you, your wealth, your family and your happiness.
Love Feng Sui? The don't miss our fabulous Feng Shui Store!
We have a range of affordable quality Feng Shui goodies for you. You can also check out our Buddhist store for related items. And don't forget - with our fabulous Magpie Club you can get discounts of up to 45% on all items in our store. We don't know how long we'll keep low prices for the membership so don't delay!